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9LEGAL MEDICOMAGAZINESponsored by:The Bronze package is our Basic Fee Collection Service – where we will chase your clients for outstanding fees and you pay us (between 2% and 5% depending on practice size) of the fees received.Our Silver package includes the Basic Fee Collection Service as above plus management of your accounts. If you do not currently have an accounts package the fee of 7% of fees received would also include the purchase of one.Finally, the Gold package is everything from the Bronze and Silver package as well as our Practice Management service and the smooth running of your diary, for just 12% of fees received – giving you back the time to do the parts of the job that you love. Many experts have said they see advertisements all the time for companies to assist with their practice management or chasing of outstanding debt but they would rather go on personal recommendation than choose someone from an advert or email offer.Professor Gus A. Baker, Clinical Neuropsychologist, is one of the experts we look after. He, amongst others have provided us with testimonials to help breakdown this barrier. Gus tells a story of a visit from a VAT inspector which shocked him enough to employ our services and that ofa full time practice manager to run his diary. ‘I have now had 18 months of working with Facilitate and the impact has been significant. I no longer worry about the VAT returns, they do that. I no longer chase unpaid invoices, they do that. I no longer have to worry about preparing data for the accountants for my business tax return, they do that. I still retain a practice manager for the management of my business on a day-to-day basis. However, she has a good relationship with Facilitate. In addition to the services I receive, every month I get a printout of the invoices raised and the deposits into the bank. In respect of the bank conciliation – they do that. So why would I recommend them? Simply peace of mind and the freedom to do what I am good at. Oh incidentally, I had a VAT inspection recently – passed with flying colours.‘Full testimonials can be found on our website mediation in the workplaceJOURNALMEDIATIONISSUE 5 OUT NOW - SUBSCRIBE AT: